miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Jairo Anibal Niño

Jairo Anibal Niño -(Moniquira (Boyaca), september 5, 1941 - Bogota, August 30, 2010) was a writer, poet and playwright Colombian, who stood out mainly in the field of children's literature.

The beginning their studies in Bucaramanga and delved into the topic of the plastic arts and painting. Among his occupations was a puppeteer, a university teacher, director of university groups, theater director, actor etc..
In his life he wrote over 40 books and in 1988 was the director of the national library of Colombia.

A sincere invitation to read the books of Jairo Anibal remember reading it with his old time of our childhood thet are also a great source of inspiration.

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