Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt The school is a mixed institution official and academic mode, aimed at creating productive projects and work culture. This institution has about forty teachers for approximately 1500 students. The school has a proximity of three rooms for the use of computers, a smart classroom, a multiple classroom. This site has 2 intitucional long space for good mobilization of students counting down the top three floors available to the building.

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010
domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010
jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010
lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

The card that we produce in this company are special because they have a special mechanism that allows the time when the cards are open to emit a pleasant melody. These terget are produced by dofferent reasons and for all occasions. We target for the month of October or Chrismas as well as for the month of August and New Year.
MISION: The school Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt, is a mixed institution official and academic mode, which caters to the integral formation of their community and promotes the decelopment of skills necessary for personal development social harmony, and entrepreneurship.
VISION: In 2015, the school Rodrigo Arenas Betancout, will be a institution with a quality educational management, teacher of human beings with critical awareness, social responsibility to Rosenberg with project development of student life, to enter the field productivity and competitiveness.
miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010
Jairo Anibal Niño
The beginning their studies in Bucaramanga and delved into the topic of the plastic arts and painting. Among his occupations was a puppeteer, a university teacher, director of university groups, theater director, actor etc..
In his life he wrote over 40 books and in 1988 was the director of the national library of Colombia.
A sincere invitation to read the books of Jairo Anibal remember reading it with his old time of our childhood thet are also a great source of inspiration.
domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010
our friends and although some have more interest in the study that other thing that definitely
unites us is laugh and have great time.We are in very difficult time as many of our peers are
losing the year but that if extra effot is much more able to graduate soon.

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010
Programme incorporating tool for life speak, read adn write to understand the world in all areas of the curriculum and cycles.
♠ To advance the conceptualization of the tool Reading, writing and orality, by theachers of the aycle.
♥ To advance the learning of students in reading comprehension and text production. Decelopment of an Educational Project Cycle evidencing at least 4 joint curricular subjects or fields of knowledge.
In my middle school with the Secretary Of Education, created a campaign to care of the environment in which the main antivities have recycling campaigns to care awareness in people to have a better care to the home planet and teach the importance of caring for the bautiful place we live.